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Technical specifications
Tension (voltage) 12 [V]
Corriente (current) 12 [A]
Tipo de entrada (input type) MONOFASICO
Tecnologia (technology) SCR
Tipo de salida (output type) CC+LUCES
Alto (height) 26 [mm]
Ancho (width) 59 [mm]
Largo (length) 69 [mm]
Entre centro (pitch) 55 [mm]
Con sensor (with sensor) NO

Brand Model Version Displacement Year OEM
Corven Triax 150from 2017
Corven Triax R3250from 2017
Corven Triax 2002016
Reemplazo Pietcard 1418
Universal Luces Encendidas
Zanella Due Classic110from 2013
Zanella Due Sport1252013
Zanella RX 1502013
Zanella ZB 1252013
Zanella ZB G4110from 2012 200-32100
Zanella ZR 200
Zanella ZR 1502015

Espel | Especialidades Electromecánicas | Ramón Falcón 1851 (B1685BDS) El Palomar | Bs. As., Argentina | TEL (+54 11) 4659 4976 / 5045 / 0233 | FAX (+54 11) 4650 7577 |

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