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Cars > Micro Relay > RMI 9167
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Technical specifications
Tension (voltage) 12 [V]
# terminales (# terminals) 4
Corriente na (no current) 20 [A]
Topologia (topology) INTERRUPTOR SIMPLE
Proteccion (protection) CON RESISTENCIA

Brand Model Version Displacement Year OEM
Fiat Brava 7676504 / A727 581
Fiat Marea 7676504 / A727 581
Fiat Palio 7676504 / A727 581
Fiat Siena 7676504 / A727 581
Fiat Tempra 7676504 / A727 581
Fiat Uno 7676504 / A727 581
Hyundai - 95224-29050
Hyundai - 95224-29850
Reemplazo DNI 0125
Reemplazo Ralux 8563
Reemplazo Ralux 8752
Reemplazo Ralux 8804
Reemplazo Tyco VFM-11F41-Z16
Toyota Corolla 90080-87021
Toyota Yaris 90080-87021

Espel | Especialidades Electromecánicas | Ramón Falcón 1851 (B1685BDS) El Palomar | Bs. As., Argentina | TEL (+54 11) 4659 4976 / 5045 / 0233 | FAX (+54 11) 4650 7577 |

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