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Cars > Micro Relay > RMI 9208
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Technical specifications
Tension (voltage) 12 [V]
# terminales (# terminals) 5
Corriente na (no current) 20 [A]
Corriente nc (nc current) 10 [A]
Topologia (topology) INVERSOR SIMPLE
Proteccion (protection) CON DIODO

Brand Model Version Displacement Year OEM
Citroën - 9620220980
Citroën Xsara 6555HJ
Peugeot 106 9620220980
Peugeot 206 9620220980
Peugeot 306 9620220980
Peugeot 406 9620220980
Reemplazo DNI 134
Reemplazo Ralux 8654
Reemplazo Ralux 8525
Renault 19 7700414484
Renault Clio 7700414484
Renault Kangoo 7700414484
Renault Megane 7700414484
Renault Megane 7700414484
Renault Scenic 962220980
Renault Scenic 7700414484

Espel | Especialidades Electromecánicas | Ramón Falcón 1851 (B1685BDS) El Palomar | Bs. As., Argentina | TEL (+54 11) 4659 4976 / 5045 / 0233 | FAX (+54 11) 4650 7577 |

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